True Democracy

True Democracy

The very first word of the Indian Constitution, 'We' implies that it builds a united India, regardless of gender, rich or poor, illiterate or literate, caste, creed or religion. That is, the Indian Constitution is human-centered, and person-centered. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has beautifully defined democracy. "Democracy is the nature or system of governance that can bring revolutionary changes in people's social, economic lives without spilling a drop of blood..." Of course, Dr. Ambedkar does not expect bloodshed under the principle of democracy. He has given certain conditions to maintain and nurture this democracy.

1) There should be no unequal equality in society, that is, there should be no privileges of one class

2) The opposition should exist in a democracy

3) There should be equality between law and administration

4) Constitutional ethics should be followed

5 ) Majority should not oppress minorities

6 ) There should be morality in the society

7 ) At the same time, there needs to be a public conscience in the society.


While addressing the Constituent Assembly, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar advises on some of the tools required for the perpetuation of democracy.

1) To adopt the constitutional method

2) Not offering freedom at the feet of a great man

3) To make political democracy social democracy.


In this, the Constitutional system means that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar wanted revolutionary changes in the democratic system, but those changes did not cause any bloodshed. It must be done constitutionally, within the framework of the constitution, subject to constitutional practices. Satyagraha used to be an effective weapon in the pre-independence and post-independence period, but after the establishment of Indian democracy, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar opposed Satyagraha, which was non-violent.

Because it was an unconstitutional practice. Not to sacrifice your freedom on the feet of a great man. The commitment reminds us of the threat posed by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, and John Stuart Mill to those who believe in democratic principles. John Stuart Mill says, "No matter how great a person is, we should not sacrifice our freedom. We should also not give enough power to that person to misuse the institutions of government. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has also given the same warning about India. , because India has a culture of person-worship. Political democracy should be a social democracy. Political power is an important key to social progress. In the theory of political democracy, there is 'one man-one vote' and 'one vote- one value True Democracy! Easily Dadarao Tavade Democracy is unrealistic without political freedom. Political democracy must become a social democracy." Political democracy will not last long without the foundation of social democracy. "What is social democracy? So, the way of living a life that creates equality, freedom, and brotherhood can be called social democracy. The unity and integrity of all these three values, as well as their nurturing, that is, social democracy. Economic democracy is mentioned in the commentary on democracy by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

According to him, "to meet the basic economic needs of the people, no one should die without food, clothing and shelter." That is, financial resources should not be in the hands of one. That is, political democracy cannot succeed without social and economic democracy. It is the most powerful tool for achieving political democracy, and social and economic objectives. That is why Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar says, "Social and economic democracy are tissues and fiber of a political democracy." Democracy is an ideal of life.

In social relationships, roots of democracy are found and are related to the people who established the society, in the context of life. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had deep faith in the values ​​of the Constitution, and the morality of the Constitution. The situation of today's Indian democracy is going contrary to the conditions stated by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Going against the constitutional methods of the Constitution. Democratic, constitutionalists need to go to the Indian administration today.

Today, it is our responsibility to inculcate the values ​​of the Constitution, and the morality of the Constitution in the society and the people, to teach the people to free Indian democracy from the clutches of monotheism. Let us all do this together. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar believed that democracy was the path of Buddha. One state of democracy is that "from war to Buddha, from Buddha to world peace, this can be called true democracy."