

"Caraval" by Stephanie Garber tells a captivating story of imagination and reality that revolves around the lives of Donatella and Scarlett, two sisters. The narrative transports readers to a magical, mysterious realm filled with the allure of a legendary game.


Donatella and Scarlett fantasised about going to Caraval, an unbelievable game show by the mysterious Master Legend. Despite Scarlett's persistent letters to bring Caraval to their isle, their ruthless father prevents them from venturing beyond their confines. The sisters' lives take an unexpected turn when they receive an invitation to Caraval on another island shortly before Scarlett's wedding.


Because of her headstrong personality, Donatella abducts Scarlett and brings her to the game. As Scarlett discovers that her sister has been taken by Legend himself, the game rules become clear: Scarlett must find her sister before the game concludes, and this year's winner will have a wish granted.


Scarlett, always cautious due to her fear of their father, navigates the mysterious and magical world of Caraval with the help of her only companion, Julian. Initially distrusting Julian, Scarlett gradually forms a bond with him, eventually falling in love.


As the game progresses, Scarlett unravels the history between her Nana and Legend, realising that the once-heroic Master Legend has become a villain with plans to interfere in Scarlett's engagement to Count. The narrative turns unexpectedly, with Scarlett's heartbreaking after finding her sister.

Readers are captivated until the end, thanks to Stephanie Garber's clever integration of a mystery element surrounding Julian throughout the narrative. The complex storyline, magical aspects, and compelling characters make for a fascinating read that captures the reader's attention.


"Caraval" is a captivating book that combines mystery, romance, and magic. This book is a must-read for everyone looking for an exciting and unexpected trip into a universe where fiction and reality collide.